Phew! It’s been a year… Thanks for sticking with us through a season of stellar events, some sweet trail-building progress, the frustrations of online renewal malfunctions, some email glitches, 1000 hours of logging consultation, and most importantly, bringing out all the good-vibe high-fives at the end of the trail.

2023 highlights

  • NEW TRAILS! Shattered is complete. Ishouldnt’a became official, Aunt Flo got an alternate exit.

  • REOPENED FEATURES! Fraggle Rock is back on the menu, and our Trail Crew have been able to give bridges, ramps and jumps all over the mountains 69% more structural integrity.

  • Speaking of which… TRAIL CREW! We continue to have the financial stability to bring on seasonal trail crew to support our year-round trail lead extraordinaire, Deven. More stoke, less baby-heads.

  • SWEET EVENTS! Winter Fiver, intro to night riding, an in-person AGM, Gate Razor, trail days, Mighty Moose Mondays, the classic Fiver series, intro to Fivers... the list goes on!

  • WINTER GROOMING! Send all your love to The Inside Line who now own and operate a Snow Dog on Moose and Prairie Mountains.

  • MORE NEW TRAILS IN PROGRESS! Shhhhhhhhhh! Don’t go looking for them or you’ll scare them away. We’ll tell you when they’re good and ready to go.


Our 2024 calendar is in the works. So far we’ve got:

  • *EDIT* Winter Fiver. February 17th, 10am @ Ings. Hosted by The Inside Line. The trail will be Flo’s Diner 🟦. Purchase an entry here. Keep March 24th in your back pocket in case mother nature doesn’t play nice.

  • Meet the Exec. February 27th, 6:30pm @ Banded Peak Brewing. Want to put a face to the name? Curious about what we do? Interested in earning more trail karma by volunteering? Head over to for a brew and a chat.

  • Join the Exec. We’re looking to fill a few holes in our volunteer roster. If you have skills or enthusiasm for grant writing or secretary-ing we’d love to have you on board. Relatedly, we’re ramping up towards the possibility of a part-time, paid Executive Director. Come out to meet the exec on Feb. 27th to find out more.

  • AGM. A Thursday evening in April... We’ll tell you more when we figure it out!

  • Casino. We’ll be pulling some all-nighters in August, exact date TBD. Casino = more capacity to build and maintain trails, repair woodwork, buy tools and pay for insurance.

  • More race, ride and trail dates coming soon!

A Note on Winter Grooming

We are beyond stoked that The Inside Line took up the task of purchasing a Snow Dog and now groom some of the more moderately-sendy trails. We gotta be frank and point out that grooming is only worth it on trails that can hold some snow, so efforts will be focused on trails like 7-27, Shattered, Shaft, Ushoulda and Flo’s Diner. Everyone’s welcome to bring out their snowshoes and stomp down their favourite line for extra trail karma. Also keep in mind we’re not gate-keeping tire width. You know those trails could see any condition from dusty corners to a foot of fresh powder, depending on the time of day/day of the week/aspect of the moon, so choose your stead/ride plan based on the conditions and try not to leave ruts. Ruts suck. Your buddies don’t want to ride in ruts. You don’t want to ride it ruts. Do what you can to avoid them.


This topic is bound to get everybody’s hackles up, so we’re going to keep it short and sweet. MMBTS does not want our trails impacted. We can’t buy our way out of this so we’re playing every card we have to put pressure in the right places. Land use in the area has changed considerably since SLS (now owned by Fraser West) bought their logging rights and priorities need to change alongside. We would love you to add your voice by emailing your MLA and joining/supporting organizations dedicated to conservation and addressing logging concerns such as @grow_kananaskis, @orca_alberta, @cpawssab and @albertawildernessassociation.


Looking for a sweet toque or snug hoodie? Head over to our website to find yourself some swag. Past designs will be added over the coming weeks, and all orders become available for pick up at The Inside Line. Don’t forget The Inside Line also carry some MMBTS provisions along with rad decals by Outdoor Freaks.


A heads up that we have a solid team of people managing our socials platforms these days, so you never know who you’re going to get on the other end of the insta-handle. Keep that in mind when you reach out as it’s not always going to be Joey!

Build - Shred - High Five



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